Spring Boot: The Content-Type Conundrum – Why Your Manual Settings Are Being Overwritten
Image by Darald - hkhazo.biz.id

Spring Boot: The Content-Type Conundrum – Why Your Manual Settings Are Being Overwritten

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Hey there, fellow Spring Boot enthusiasts! Are you tired of scratching your head, wondering why your carefully crafted content-type settings in your controller are being mysteriously overwritten? Well, buckle up, because we’re about to dive into the trenches of Spring Boot’s content-type handling and uncover the secrets behind this pesky problem.

The Problem: Manual Content-Type Settings Being Overwritten

Let’s set the stage: you’ve got a Spring Boot controller, and you’re configuring the content-type of a request response using the `@RequestMapping` annotation or some other manual method. You’re expecting your carefully crafted JSON or XML response to be served with a specific content-type, but what you get instead is a default content-type that seems to come out of nowhere.

public class MyController {
    public ResponseEntity<String> getData() {
        String data = "some data";
        HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
        return new ResponseEntity<>(data, headers, HttpStatus.OK);

In the example above, you’d expect the response to have a content-type of `application/json`, but lo and behold, when you inspect the response, you see that it’s been overridden with a default content-type, like `text/html` or `application/octet-stream`. What’s going on here?

The Culprit: Spring Boot’s Content-Type Negotiation

Spring Boot, by default, has a built-in content-type negotiation mechanism that allows it to determine the most suitable content-type for a response based on the request’s `Accept` header. This might sound like a convenient feature, but it can also lead to headaches when you’re trying to manually set a specific content-type.

When a request is made to your controller, Spring Boot checks the `Accept` header to determine which content-type to use for the response. If the `Accept` header is not present or is set to a generic value like `*/*`, Spring Boot will fallback to its default content-type, which is usually `text/html` or `application/octet-stream`.

The Solution: Taking Control of Content-Type Negotiation

Don’t worry, we’re not going to leave you hanging! There are a few ways to take control of content-type negotiation in Spring Boot and ensure that your manual settings are respected.

Method 1: Disable Content-Type Negotiation Globally

One way to tackle this issue is to disable content-type negotiation globally for your entire application. You can do this by adding the following configuration to your `application.properties` file:


This will disable content-type negotiation for all controllers, allowing your manual settings to take precedence.

Method 2: Disable Content-Type Negotiation for a Specific Controller

If you only want to disable content-type negotiation for a specific controller, you can use the `@RequestMapping` annotation with the `produces` attribute:

@RequestMapping(value = "/api", produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
public class MyController {
    public ResponseEntity<String> getData() {
        String data = "some data";
        HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
        return new ResponseEntity<>(data, headers, HttpStatus.OK);

In this example, the `produces` attribute specifies that the controller should only produce responses with a content-type of `application/json`, effectively disabling content-type negotiation for this controller.

Method 3: Use the `ContentNegotiationManager`

Another approach is to use the `ContentNegotiationManager` to customize content-type negotiation for your application. You can create a custom `ContentNegotiationManager` bean in your application configuration:

public ContentNegotiationManager contentNegotiationManager() {
    ContentNegotiationManager manager = new ContentNegotiationManager();
    return manager;

In this example, we’re creating a custom `ContentNegotiationManager` that ignores the `Accept` header, favors the controller’s manual settings, and sets a default content-type of `application/json`. You can customize this bean to suit your application’s specific needs.

Bonus Tips: Advanced Content-Type Handling

Now that we’ve covered the basics of content-type negotiation in Spring Boot, let’s explore some advanced techniques for handling content-types in your application.

Media Type Parameters

Did you know that you can specify media type parameters using the `produces` attribute? For example:

public ResponseEntity<String> getData() {
    String data = "some data";
    HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
    headers.setContentType(new MediaType("application", "json", Charset.forName("UTF-8")));
    return new ResponseEntity<>(data, headers, HttpStatus.OK);

In this example, we’re specifying a media type of `application/json` with a character set of `UTF-8`. This can be useful when working with APIs that require specific character sets or encoding.

Content-Type in Response Entities

You can also set the content-type directly in your response entities using the `@Produces` annotation:

public @ResponseBody ResponseEntity<JsonResponse> getData() {
    JsonResponse response = new JsonResponse();
    response.setData("some data");
    return new ResponseEntity<>(response, HttpStatus.OK);

public class JsonResponse {
    private String data;

    public String getData() {
        return data;

    public void setData(String data) {
        this.data = data;

In this example, we’re using a custom `JsonResponse` entity to wrap our data, and the `@Produces` annotation to specify the content-type of the response.

Tips and Tricks Description
Use the `ContentNegotiationManager` to customize content-type negotiation Configure the `ContentNegotiationManager` to ignore the `Accept` header, favor manual settings, and set a default content-type.
Specify media type parameters using the `produces` attribute Use the `produces` attribute to specify media type parameters, such as character sets or encoding.
Set content-type in response entities using the `@Produces` annotation Use the `@Produces` annotation to specify the content-type of your response entities.


And there you have it, folks! With these tips and tricks, you should be able to take control of content-type negotiation in your Spring Boot application and ensure that your manual settings are respected. Remember to disable content-type negotiation globally or for specific controllers, use the `ContentNegotiationManager` to customize negotiation, and explore advanced content-type handling techniques like media type parameters and response entities.

Happy coding, and don’t let those pesky content-type issues get the best of you!

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “Spring boot – content-type of request from controller set manually being overwritten”:

Frequently Asked Question

Get the inside scoop on how to tackle content-type issues in Spring Boot!

Why is my manually set content-type being overwritten in Spring Boot?

Ah, the age-old question! When you set the content-type manually in your controller, it’s because you want to take control of the response format, right? But, unfortunately, Spring Boot might have other plans. The issue often lies in the `HttpServletResponse` being wrapped by a `ResponseEntity`, which can override your manually set content-type. To avoid this, try using `produces` in your `@RequestMapping` or `@GetMapping` annotations to specify the desired content-type.

How do I specify the content-type in my controller method?

Easy peasy! You can set the content-type in your controller method by using the `@RequestMapping` or `@GetMapping` annotations with the `produces` attribute. For example: `@GetMapping(path = “/api/data”, produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)`. This tells Spring Boot to return the response in JSON format. You can replace `APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE` with the desired content-type, such as `TEXT_PLAIN_VALUE` for plain text or `APPLICATION_XML_VALUE` for XML.

What happens if I set the content-type in both the controller and the configuration file?

Good question! When you set the content-type in both the controller and the configuration file (e.g., `application.properties` or `application.yml`), the controller takes precedence. So, if you set `spring.mvc.content-type=application/json` in your configuration file and `@GetMapping(path = “/api/data”, produces = MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN_VALUE)` in your controller, the response will be plain text, not JSON. Make sure to keep this in mind when configuring your application!

Can I set the content-type dynamically in my controller method?

Absolutely! You can set the content-type dynamically in your controller method by using the `HttpServletResponse` object. For example: `@GetMapping(“/api/data”) public void getData(HttpServletResponse response) { response.setContentType(“application/json”); … }`. This way, you can programmatically decide the content-type based on your application’s logic.

Why does Spring Boot override my manually set content-type in some cases?

Good question! Spring Boot overrides your manually set content-type in cases where it detects a more specific or conflicting configuration. For example, if you set the content-type to JSON, but the `ContentNegotiationManager` is configured to use XML, Spring Boot might override your setting. Similarly, if you’re using a `ResponseEntity` and setting the content-type manually, but the `ResponseEntity` has a built-in(content-type), it might take precedence. Be aware of these scenarios to avoid content-type-related headaches!

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