Closing the Gaps: Mastering the Art of Seamless Blocks in Three.js
Image by Darald -

Closing the Gaps: Mastering the Art of Seamless Blocks in Three.js

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Are you tired of those pesky gaps between your 3D blocks in Three.js? You’re not alone! Many developers have struggled with this issue, but fear not, dear reader, for today we’re going to tackle this problem head-on and explore the functions that’ll help you create a seamless, gapless experience.

Understanding the Problem

Before we dive into the solutions, let’s understand why these gaps occur in the first place. When working with 3D objects in Three.js, each object is rendered as a separate entity, which can lead to small gaps between them. These gaps can be more pronounced when working with blocks or meshes that need to fit together perfectly.

Why Does This Happen?

There are several reasons why gaps might appear between your blocks:

  • Rounding Errors: Three.js uses floating-point numbers to calculate positions and dimensions, which can lead to small rounding errors that cause gaps.
  • Geometry Imprecision: The geometry of your blocks might not be perfectly aligned, causing gaps to appear.
  • Rendering Issues: Certain rendering settings or techniques can exacerbate the gap problem.

Functions to the Rescue!

Fear not, dear reader, for Three.js provides several functions to help you close those pesky gaps. Let’s explore them together!


The `mergeVertices()` function is a powerful tool for eliminating gaps between blocks. This function merges adjacent vertices that are closer than a specified tolerance, effectively removing small gaps.

const geometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry();

By calling `mergeVertices()` on your geometry, you can significantly reduce the number of gaps between blocks. However, be aware that this function can be computationally expensive for complex geometries.


Another approach is to use the `BufferGeometryUtils.mergeVertices()` function, which is similar to the previous method but provides more control over the merging process.

const geometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry();
const mergedGeometry = BufferGeometryUtils.mergeVertices(geometry, 0.0001);

This function allows you to specify a tolerance value, which determines how close vertices need to be to be considered adjacent. A lower tolerance value will result in more aggressive merging, while a higher value will be more conservative.


For older versions of Three.js or for geometries that don’t support `BufferGeometry`, you can use the `GeometryUtils.mergeVertices()` function.

const geometry = new THREE.Geometry();

This function works similarly to the previous methods, but it’s less efficient and should only be used as a fallback.

Additional Techniques

While the functions mentioned above can help close gaps, there are additional techniques you can use to further refine your blocks’ appearance.

Offsetting Geometry

One approach is to offset the geometry of adjacent blocks by a small amount, effectively creating an overlap that eliminates gaps.

const blockGeometry = new THREE.BoxGeometry(1, 1, 1);
blockGeometry.translate(0.5, 0.5, 0.5); // offset the geometry

By offsetting the geometry, you can create a seamless connection between blocks. However, be careful not to overdo it, as excessive offsetting can lead to other visual artifacts.

Using a Gapless Material

Another approach is to use a custom material that can compensate for gaps between blocks. You can achieve this by creating a material with a small amount of blending or alpha testing.

const material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({
  transparent: true,
  opacity: 0.99,
  blending: THREE.AdditiveBlending

This material will allow adjacent blocks to slightly overlap, creating a more seamless appearance. However, be aware that this approach can also affect performance and may not work well with complex scenes.

Best Practices

When working with blocks in Three.js, follow these best practices to minimize gaps and ensure a seamless experience:

  1. Use precise geometry: Ensure that your block geometries are precisely aligned and have no rounding errors.
  2. Optimize rendering settings: Experiment with different rendering settings to find the optimal balance between performance and visual quality.
  3. Use the right materials: Select materials that are suitable for your scene and can compensate for potential gaps.
  4. Test and iterate: Regularly test your scene and refine your approach as needed to ensure a gapless experience.


Closing the gaps between blocks in Three.js requires a combination of the right functions, techniques, and best practices. By mastering these tools and approaches, you can create stunning, gapless 3D scenes that will leave your users in awe.

Function Description
mergeVertices() Merges adjacent vertices that are closer than a specified tolerance.
BufferGeometryUtils.mergeVertices() Merges adjacent vertices with control over the merging process.
GeometryUtils.mergeVertices() Merges adjacent vertices for older versions of Three.js or for geometries that don’t support BufferGeometry.

Remember, with great power comes great responsibility. Use these functions and techniques wisely, and you’ll be well on your way to creating breathtaking 3D experiences with seamless, gapless blocks.

Frequently Asked Question

Get the scoop on closing gaps between blocks in three.js!

Is there a built-in function in three.js to close the gaps between blocks?

Unfortunately, there isn’t a straightforward built-in function in three.js to close the gaps between blocks. However, there are some clever workarounds you can use to achieve the desired result!

How can I manually close the gaps between blocks in three.js?

One way to close the gaps is by modifying the block geometry or mesh. You can try adjusting the vertices, faces, or edges of the mesh to eliminate the gaps. Alternatively, you can use techniques like mesh welding or mesh booleans to combine adjacent blocks and eliminate gaps.

Can I use a library or plugin to close the gaps between blocks in three.js?

Yes, there are several libraries and plugins available that can help you close the gaps between blocks in three.js. For example, you can use the three.mesh-merge library to merge adjacent blocks and eliminate gaps. There are also other libraries like three.brep.js and three.csg.js that provide advanced mesh editing capabilities.

How can I optimize the performance of my three.js scene when closing gaps between blocks?

When closing gaps between blocks, it’s essential to optimize your scene’s performance to avoid lag or slow rendering. You can use techniques like mesh simplification, level of detail (LOD), and instancing to reduce the computational load. Additionally, consider using a physics engine like Cannon or Ammo.js to improve performance.

Are there any tutorials or resources available to help me close gaps between blocks in three.js?

Yes, there are plenty of tutorials, examples, and resources available online to help you close gaps between blocks in three.js. Check out the official three.js documentation, YouTube tutorials, and online forums like Stack Overflow and Reddit’s r/threejs community for helpful tips and guidance.

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